Edinburgh elopement planning… but different?

The Elopement Society : Ideas for couples looking for a stress-free small-scale wedding or elopement in Edinburgh or along Scotland’s East Coast.

We’re all for thinking outside the box and doing things your own way.

We’re not a traditional wedding planner business or a wedding industry directory either, we’re a new third thing - A friendly easy to work with collaborative community of individuals and small businesses who offer quality experiences and great service.

We are here for the couples that aren’t ~really~ very into the whole wedding thing.

For folks who’d rather have a special day alone or with immediate loved ones, an unpretentious unique celebration of what brought you to this point together. We like to represent your story in as many aspects of the day as we can. We work with the best local indie businesses and creatives, not just wedding industry folks, to create a bespoke celebration for you. We have a bunch of ideas laid out as packages which you can use as a starting point to get past the overwhelm of realising you can pretty much legally marry anywhere at any time in scots law, provided you’ve submitted the necessary documentation. We can either build ideas from your shared interests or preferred local neighbourhood or a bit of both.

We started out as a way of collaborating with friends’ businesses. I began things during lockdown when I was freaking out for all the wee indies that might struggle to keep afloat during the pandemic and as a reaction to the fact that the wedding industry is still a bit guilty of not focussing on sustainable practices. Also, when you shoot weddings for a decade things can start to feel a bit formulaic and the couples that tend to be drawn to my work aren’t traditional so offering up ideas that help them represent themselves better seemed to all make sense.

I find working on small weddings and elopements really rewarding, I’m all for connecting with people through my camera, trying to record their emotional responses as I see them, while staying as unobtrusive as possible on weddings (trickier to pull off without a full ninja outfit at elopements).

We’re firm believers that there’s beauty to be found in every corner of our East Coast and in our city neighbourhoods—you do not need to go to Glencoe to find scenic outdoor spaces for an elopement or wedding. There are beautiful beaches, woods, clifftops, gardens and Edinburgh’s seven volcanic hills to play with right on our doorstep, if rugged landscape is something you want to feature in your wedding plans.

Want to explore the incredible moments elopement can bring?

Check out our elopers stories for inspiration, and give us a shout if you want to chat about your own big (wee) day.


Meet the Elopers : Kat & Simon,Summerhall


Meet The Elopers: Holly + Rory, small-scale wedding in edinburgh city centre